Policy Support



Development of an energy strategy for the federal province of Carinthia, Austria

Main tasks: Analysis of the potential of renewable energies in the province of Carinthia, support for energy system modeling, support for the development of political measures, support for the stakeholder process.

Client: Carinthian Provincial Government.

Project partners: Lead: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Partners: Nordhausen - University of Applied Sciences, GET Innovation (Consulting Engineer for electrical engineering)


Scientific evaluation of the public statements on the NEKP (National Energy and Climate Plan) and in particular the measures proposed therein
A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the proposed measures received. Assessments regarding the subject area "Biodiversity".

Client: Climate Change Centre AUSTRIA (CCCA). Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

Final Report at: https://ccca.ac.at/fileadmin/00_DokumenteHauptmenue/02_Klimawissen/RefNEKP/Bericht/NEKP_Wissenschaftliche_Bewertung_der_Massnahmen_der_Stellungnahmen_Februar2024.pdf




Preparation of an evaluation concept for the strategic plan for the common agricultural policy 2023-2027
Expertise on the conception of the evaluation for the Austrian strategic plan for the common agricultural policy for the period 2023-2027.  Area of expertise: Environment and climate.
Client: WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research)


Evaluation of the Austrian Forest Fund
Accompanying- and ex-post evaluation of the measures "M4 - Wet and dry storage for damaged timber", "M6 - Forest fire prevention" and "M10 - Promotion of biodiversity".
Client: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management.

Final Report at: https://info.bml.gv.at/themen/wald/waldfonds/evaluierungsbericht.html




Ex-Ante Evaluation of the CAP (common agricultural policy) 2023-2027

Ex ante Evaluation on specific Objectives 4, 5 & 6 (climate change, water, soil, air & biodiversity).

Commissioned by: Federal ministry, Republic of Austria, Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management

Publication: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH in Kooperation mit dem Österreichischen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) (2021): Ex-Ante Bewertung des Strategieplans für die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik im Zeitraum 2023-2027 (GAP-Strategieplan) - Zusammenfassung der Ex-Ante-Bewertung (Annex I). At: https://info.bml.gv.at/dam/jcr:973337ee-c095-480a-a288-32512fd3a0e1/Anhang%20I_GAP_SP_ExAnte_Eval_Zusammenfassung_Final.pdf


2016 - 2019


Evaluation of agricultural policies for the Austrian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: Impacts of political interventions on biodiversity (Focus Area 4a). Reporting to the European Commission (general reports) and to the National Government (detailed reports on specific evaluation questions). Fields of expertise and evaluated interventions include:

  •  Knowledge transfer and advisory services
  • Investment in physical assets
  • Agri-environmental-climate commitments
  • Genetic resources in agriculture
  • Organic farming
  • Basic services
  • Payments for less-favoured areas
  • Forest-environmental-climate
  • Natura 2000 and water framework directive
  • Cooperation - Environment and climate change
  • Greening (pillar1) 

Client: Federal ministry, Republic of Austria, Agriculture, Regions and Tourism.



Evaluation of agricultural policies for the Austrian Rural Development Programme 2007-2014: Ex-post evaluation

Evaluated measures include:

  • Rural heritage
  • Tourism
  • Cooperation

CAP policy objectives include:

  • Improving the environment and countryside
  • Improving the quality of life in rural areas
  • Building local capacity for employment and diversification
  • Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector

Client: Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics, Austria

In: BMLFUW (2017): Evaluierungsbericht zur Ex-post Evaluierung LE 07-13. Wien. At:



       Ex-ante evaluation of the Austrian Rural Development Programmeg 2014-2020 (environmental schemes)

In: ÖIR GmbH und ÖAR Regionalberatung GmbH (2014): Ex-ante-Evaluierung des Programms LE2020 – Bericht 3: Bewertung des finalisierten Programms und der Verwaltung der Programmdurchführung. BMLFUW. Wien.

Project work for the Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics, Austria


Mid-term evaluation  mid-term evaluation - fruit and vegetables regime (CAP - pillar 1).

Project work for the Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics, Austria

Publication: Hambrusch, J. und Weber, N. (2013): Evaluation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Operational Programms in the Fruit and Vegetables Sector (2012). Austria.